Welcome to the AFDICA Charitable ServicesThe mission of AFDICA's Charitable Services is to raise funds to support a variety of programs to increase financial literacy and support members with their local charities. In January, the Board of Directors approved the 2024 Charitable Services Campaign proposal. As a result of the Board’s approval and your generous donations, AFDICA will partner with the Jump$tart, Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy (www.jumpstart.org), a non-profit organization, to offer scholarships to advance financial literacy. Click here for additional information on the most recent awardees.
The Charitable Services Committee (CSC) will work with its members to provide help in formulating ideas to raise funds to increase AFDICA’s charitable giving. Donations, large or small, will make a difference. We are also looking for members who would like to serve on the Charitable Services Committee. We need members with the desire to help CSC raise funds for future charitable campaigns and develop ways to promote AFDICA Charitable Services. If you have the desire to be a part of this exciting committee please click this link: Volunteer, and complete the form. Or you can contact me at: i[email protected] In 2023 your generous donations have help us raised $15,000. We hope you will continue your financial support to help the AFDICA reach its fundraising goals in support of financial literacy. . Members can click this link: Members Donations. If you know someone who is not a member who would like to donate please have them click on this link: Non-Member/Guest Donations. If you prefer to donate by check, please make it out to AFDICA and mail it to: Association of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Alumni, Inc. PO Box 83775 Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3775 Thank you!
Mindy West